We drove to Paris from the Netherlands and decided to stay in Paris for 2 days.
We stayed at the Mama Shelter Paris :)
The hotel is quite affordable with rates from 79 euros +/night.
They have a special on Sundays, so we drove there Sunday morning, arrived about 6 hours later.
We slept there Sunday and Monday night, then left Tuesday afternoon :)
This was more of a 'romantic' getaway trip lol, we wanted to go to Barcelona after as well, but
we did not have enough money and could not afford to go >< maybe another time :D
I have been to Paris before, but I would never mind going back there again just because the city
is very beautiful and I love the architecture. There is always something new to see. There are many
parts of France in general, that I would like to visit. I feel very grateful that I am able to visit places,
be able to eat good food, be around people who are friendly and kind to me. Although I like to keep
my personal life private, Ric and I have been in a long distance relationship for almost 5 years now.
That is why I travel to the Netherlands more often than some people. We try to see eachother at least
2 times a year, if not more, if possible.
Sorry for this horrible, blurry photo >> The hotel had natural skin/body care products! yay :D
We decided to take the Metro on Monday to travel throughout the city. The subway is very accessible
and affordable. We spent about 6 euros for a day pass and the subway line is just crazy compared to
the Toronto subway line, haha. I like how Toronto's subway line is simple and to the point though.
I didn't bring my DSLR with me... and I felt pretty stupid... but my Canon D12 did a pretty good job.
I also posted a few photos on my Instagram if you're interested in seeing a bit more :p
Hope you're all having a nice summer :)