I was contacted by Smile Brilliant to try out this fairly new teeth whitening system!
I was always self conscious with the yellow spots on my teeth, so I searched
them up a bit in Google and decided to try it out!
I don't do collaborations if I don't find it useful, so please be sure
that my reviews are honest and of my own opinions :)
I was sent a boxed set of the teeth whitening materials needed.
It retails for $180, but they are currently selling it for $120.
They are also doing a GIVEAWAY! Please check the end of this post! :)
It comes with two types of moulding paste, for you to create your teeth mould.
I like how it's customized to your own teeth!
It comes with an instruction guide and everything is quite straight forward.
First you mix the white and blue paste, fairly quickly, because you don't want it to harden.
Then you press it into the blue container and make an impression of your teeth!
It comes with two trays, one for the bottom row and one for the top :)
Sorry, if you find this photo disturbing :p haha I find it quite fascinating!
So this is my BEFORE photo... as you can see, I have yellow spots :(
After making your teeth impressions, you mail it back to them.
Then they will make an actual mould for you and mail it back to you!
this process takes about 1-2 weeks, but well worth the wait!
So you need to do the actual whitening process twice.
First, there is the actual whitening gel, then you need to put in a desensitizing gel,
which helps to retain the nutrients in your teeth and resolve any sensitivity you may have.
I have pretty sensitive teeth and gums, so I don't leave the whitening gel in my teeth
for too long, usually 15-30 minutes maximum, because I know my teeth will not like it :)
The syringes look kind of scary at first, but it's super easy to use!
Just add a thin strip of the gel in the middle to the mould, so that when you press it
against your teeth, it helps to spread it to the bottom and top portions of the teeth evenly.
The whole whitening process takes about 1 hour to 1.5 hours for me. It depends on how
long you want the gel to absorb. You can do longer sessions, if you are not as sensitive.
This is my AFTER photo, after going through 4-5 sessions.
The yellowness has significantly reduced. I can't wait until my teeth are completely white!
I can definitely see a difference and the syringes last A LONG time for me.
I have a small mouth, so I guess that helps :p I can use 1 syringe for 3-4 sessions.
Prize: $139.95 store credit
The winner will be given a code to use at checkout!
The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL!
(if the winner is outside of the USA, they will have to pay the
shipping cost for sending their impressions back to them)
Enter the Giveaway HERE!
Good Luck! I hope the winner will love it as much as I do.
Teeth whitening or any kind of dental procedure is expensive :(
You can also check out this great YouTube video by Dani Mansutti :)
You can also check out this great YouTube video by Dani Mansutti :)