Here is another random food/magazine post :p sorry, I just like to share random
things I have an interest in... don't know why I'm saying sorry lol :p
The classic iced tea would be great for picnics and barbeques! yum :)

and does this not look delicious!? Check out Food Network's Healthy
Foil Packet Recipes for the Grill HERE :) they have some good ideas.
Are you a fan of red skin potatoes? I am :) especially when they
are roasted with garlic, salt and pepper :) yummy :) drooling yet?
and of course a somewhat healthy dessert for all ages :) you can't really see
the text so I'll explain how you would do this :)
☆ Microwave 4 ounces of chopped chocolate until melted
☆ Stir in 2 tsp. of vegetable oil (let it cool slightly)
☆ Trim 1 end of 6 peeled bananas
☆ Skewer and dip in the chocolate
☆ Prop up in a glass and freeze for 2 minutes
☆ Roll in/on the toppings and freeze for 4 hours
What would you add on yours?
I would add muesli, dried strawberries, and crushed walnuts :p
and for the type of chocolate... maybe a semi-sweet type... I don't
know much about chocolate, but nothing too sweet :) I'm going to
try to make this and maybe post about it sometime ;)
Current favourite Korean song :)