Well, hello there...
I haven't been posting for quite a while because I'm just simply too lazy... have been letting
my poor finger rest (as you can see the huge white bandage on my left hand). No, I did not
hurt myself >> I had this harmless tumour in my ring finger for about 2 years now and it started
to slowly grow bigger (stayed the same for 1.5 years). It's still pretty small, but I was referred to
a hand surgeon. He decided to take it out and send it to a lab to find out what it is exactly. I'm
supposed to go take out the stitches on Wednesday so wish me luck! :)
No one seems to know the cause of it, but it was outside of the bone and behind the skin :\
Top: Romwe.com . Skirt: Zipia.net
. Belt: Ardene
Base: Sally Hansen Green Tea & Olive Base coat
Colour: Nubar 'Vogue Vert' (The colour in this photo looks nothing like the actual colour...)
If you want to see the colour of this nail polish, click
Design: Konad Image plate M31 (blossoms) and M5 (branches)
Top: Konad top coat
My week through Instagram :p
Hope you're all doing well :)
I get my bandage taken off on Wednesday, yay :)