Tuesday, June 17, 2014

♡ Current Favourites ♡

Devita Hyaluronic SeruGel
I decided to give this serum a try when it was on sale at White Rabbit Beauty.
They still have some pretty good sales on their natural beauty products :)
This is definitely not a moisturizer (which I thought it could be), but it's more
of a hydration booster for your following moisturizer. This works for all seasons
for me, since I use acne treatments quite often... AND I'm getting older... resulting
in more dry skin :( which I'm okay with I guess... must embrace it haha. I can't
seem to find this on their website anymore, so I have no idea how much I paid ><

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
I'm only on page 74, but I'm liking the book so far :)
It's definitely one of those teenage love story type of reads, haha...
My friend lent me the book and she hasn't had the time to read it herself yet.

Emergen-C Pink Lemonade Vitamin & Mineral Supplement
So... I've been catching random colds and I decided to try this powder :)
I just take 1 packet a day in water and it doesn't taste bad... nor does it
taste amazing, but hopefully it would help to improve my immune system :)
AND it makes my water a rosy pink colour... can't get any better than that :p

Elle Magazine (free from Sample Source)
Yay for free magazines :p

Hope you're all having a wonderful week!!! :D
Hopefully, I'll be going on vacation soon = more photos to share with you all :)

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